1. Bad Parenting
This is the common or maybe the main reason affecting the impoliteness of youth. Parents were to busy with their work and don't have time to teach proper manner to their children. According to New York Times, parents were the greatest influencer in someone's life and this can be shown when their parents don't have proper manner themselves their children will follow their steps. Modern families contain parents who are more driven and focused on their careers and less focused on the success of their family. According to essortment.com, “Becoming a teenager brings with it a host of new emotions, attitudes and behaviors. As kids age 13 to 19 move from childhood to maturity, they often experiment with language to express their boundaries and talk back to parents in ways that are inappropriate. It then becomes the parents’ duty to instruct their children how to speak with respect to authorities.” The problem arises when parents fail to teach their children the correct way of behaving toward adults. Once threats are made, the parents back down and the teenager feels powerful. Now, the teenager has control over the parent, causing the parent to feel weak and powerless.
2. Technology
Technology was one of the common factors that affecting the impoliteness of youth nowadays. Technology were introduced to society in the 1990's and still expanding until now. Internet, television and radio were an example of technology nowadays. As an example, internet or more accurate social networking. There's a lot of benefits on using a social networking,but a lot of people using it in a bad way. Posting an impropriate picture, posting a harsh language and bad video. Believe it or not, but nowadays even 3 years old children know how to use ipad or internet. When children with that age were exposed to the negative side of internet, imagine what they have learned? So, usage of technology must be controlled especially from children or youth.
3. Movies
Everybody knows that movie influence youth and they sometimes follow what they have seen in a movie. Movie that based on Gangsterism or fighting were examples of movie genre that influence youth or children. Mostly script of this movies were using a harsh language and they show a bad behavior such as disrespect to their parents, fighting, loitering, vandalism and many more. Parents should take action on watching their children from getting a bad influence from improper movies to produce a good youth.
Being Polite
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